How you can help
"No donkeys, no happiness, Know donkeys, know happiness"
Your donation contributes towards the donkeys' ongoing needs. There are no wages paid or salaried staff as all the work and care is undertaken by volunteers. Our expenses include essential purchases and visits from veterinarians, goods providers, stores, feed merchants and professional health/medical services that cannot be undertaken by volunteers. We also pay for machinery to assist with burial and for transporters who deliver loads of hay, straw and chaff supplies.
Your generous donation is an excellent way to support the hundreds of donkeys for whom we provide. There are dozens of daily requirements used and supplies must be replenished.
- Hay bales - small rectangular bales or large round bales of various crops to supplement grazing.
- Straw bales for dietary roughage.
- Sacks of oaten or wheaten chaff.
- Calcium powder supplement, rock salt licks, mineral lick blocks.
- Worming paste and liquid.
- Tetanus injections, and annual boosters.
- Halters of various sizes and styles plus lead ropes.
- Buckets and bowls for individual donkeys' food supplements.
- Tubs and hay-nets for fodder.
- Insecticidal powder and liquid repellents, washes, rinses.
- Winter rugs for particular donkeys.
- Cotton summer rugs for sensitive bodies.
- Sun block and creams for fair skinned donkeys.
- Face masks to protect sensitive eyes from fly irritation.
- Grooming brushes, combs, rakes and scissors.
- Eye irrigation and cotton wipes, saline solution, wound rinses.
- Stable and muster area sanitiser.
- Iodine and medicated spray for bacterial/fungal issues.
- Cotton, plastic and rubber gloves for volunteers' protection.
- Volunteers' face masks.
- First aid kit supplies for donkeys and volunteers in the field.
- Veterinary prescribed medications, anti-inflammatory and pain relief supplies.
- Dental practitioners services.
- Farriers' hoof trimming services.
- Stockyard panels - metal construction, transportable into the field.
- Shade sails.
- Tools for general maintenance of fences, transport floats.
- And much, much more basic and ongoing provisions and services.
Ways to Donate
We have setup a simple way to donate right now through our website in amounts of $10, $20, $40 & $80
Please make cheques or money orders payable toDonkey Welfare with Heart Inc. and post to:
Donkey Welfare with Heart Inc.
600 Wollombi Road,
Bishops Bridge, NSW 2326
Direct deposit to Donkey Welfare With Heart Inc. at:
The Mutual, Rutherford Branch,
BSB 646 000
Account 100044785
Add your name for identification and email us your details so we can send an official tax receipt.
Please click here to choose your donation amount and select PayPal as the payment method.
Subscribe for just $30 per annum to the quarterly newsletter - Hee-Haw Herald.
Include your name and postal address with your subscription of $30 for invitations to open days and events throughout the year.
APCCompany in Melbourne donates the printing and postage of the full colour Hee Haw Herald for which we are very grateful.
Donkey Welfare With Heart Inc. would appreciate a statement in your will, leaving a gift from your estate, such as cash or property.
Your bequest can ensure that donkeys are never forgotten and receive the love and care they all deserve.
Donkeys are totally dependent on the goodwill and kindness of humans. This makes them extremely vulnerable in a world where humans cause harm to innocent donkeys leaving charities like DWWH to care for them.
If you already have a will you can simply add a clause, known as a codicil, to your existing will and include Donkey Welfare With Heart Inc according to your wishes.
Suggested wording to help you and your solicitor.
"I give (please specify amount), percentage or share of estate or other, free of all duties and deductions to:
Donkey Welfare With Heart Inc,
600 Wollombi Road,
Bishops Bridge NSW 2326
for its work in caring for and providing for donkeys and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or other proper officer for the time being of DWWH Inc shall be a good and sufficient discharge to my trustee(s).
You can sponsor a donkey directly through our website: click here
Subscription to quarterly newsletter is $35 per annum. Contact secretary by email or text
0497 580 598