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Our Donkeys

Read about some of our Donkey's, click on the headings below:

Rainbow and Luvvydove



Rainbow and Luvvydove were orphaned when they were infants after hunters shot their mothers in northern NSW in the middle of 2005. DWWH travelled 546km to rescue Rainbow and Luvvydove and other orphans who also lost their mothers by the actions of the hunters. The infant foals were carried into the floats. They were malnourished and frail at the time of their rescue. It was a major endeavour over many weeks helping the foals regain strength to drink milk replacement formula from a bowl, to stand on four legs unaided and to trust humans.

All the foals survived after months in intensive care with 24 hour a day nursing and comfort. Rainbow was fortunate to be offered the opportunity to be fostered by a jenny who had delivered a stillborn foal. That was very successfully achieved resulting in a happy jenny with a happy foster foal. Luvvydove was the most challenging rescued foal as she was mauled by the hunters' dogs. She was bitten about the face and body and her right ear was savaged severely, leaving it permanently deformed. Rainbow and Luvvydove receive lots of love and care and both enjoy happy lives.


Herbert's deformed lower limb

Herbert's deformed lower limb

Herbert was born in 2014 at an animal petting zoo facility. He has a deformed lower left foreleg that is unable to be straightened by surgery. Herbert was surrendered to DWWH or be put down as his needs were beyond the petting zoo's capacity. His leg was X-rayed, revealing inoperable joint deformities. Today Herbert receives the best care and frequent remedial hoof trimming to keep him comfortable and content. We are assured that he is not suffering as he interacts normally with other donkeys and has a charming personality that endears him to all the volunteers.


ShantiShanti was born in September 2014 in the coastal area of northern NSW. She was sold to a caring woman who had responded to an advertisement offering for sale a three-month-old donkey foal. The woman pitied the foal's situation, taking her home to try to replace essential milk and calcium for normal growth and development. The wet climate in the region was unsuitable for the delicate foal resulting in hoof disease, discomfort and in need of veterinary consultation.

Shanti's loving owner surrendered her to DWWH after nothing more could be done to remedy the foal's hoof and hock dysfunction. We Travelled for 9 hours each way with the float in tow to bring Shanti into ICU where she commenced her long, recovery programme. Today Shanti is fully recovered from her past inadequacies and is full of life and youthful vigour, endearing herself to everyone, especially the jenny Tiffany who has become her special donkey companion.


Bella is a beautiful Australian standard donkey 13.2 hands, with a colourful coat and blaze. She was rescued from the sale yards in the Central West of NSW when she was approximately 4 years of age. It is estimated she was born in 1995. She lived a very useful life with one of our competent volunteers who taught Bella to be ridden, to snig and who took her to public events such as Christmas and Easter pageants. Unfortunately as the years passed, Bella's lovely life changed dramatically when her trainer and carer suffered a stroke and had to move into a nursing home.

DWWH brought Bella to the Hunter region in 2002 where she continued the role she enjoyed by participating in ANZAC Day marches, blessing of the animal ceremonies in cathedrals, fun days and numerous special events. Bella was a great ambassador for donkeys and has now retired enjoying her life with a loving, experienced carer with a family of other donkeys for company on a peaceful property in the Hunter Valley.


Abdul was born in 2004. He was a donkey in trouble from the day he was weaned and sold with his half-sister to Hunter Valley bed and breakfast establishment. The purchaser was mis-informed of the needs of a young donkey so Abdul was not handled or fed correctly. After every effort failed to succeed the bed and breakfast proprietors asked DWWH for assistance. The foals were collected, handled and commenced a suitable diet for donkeys and with great success the foals resided with a loving couple who cared for them well and with DWWH ongoing support and advice. Sadly, Abdul developed a benign growth on his hock that was X-rayed, scanned and biopsies by our veterinarian. Every possible remedy was attempted for many months and at great expense to DWWH. The tumour continued to grow beyond expectation, causing agony for Abdul, resulting in the humane decision to have him put down in July 2014. His departure was dignified and he is buried at his home with a splendid garden and memorial plaque to remind us of his short life among many who helped and loved him.


JasperJasper was rescued in January 2017 from the Sydney Western Suburbs region. Jasper's owners had loved and cared for him for 29 years until they had to sell their farm to move into an aged care facility. As often happens the loving owners left the donkey on the farm hoping the new occupants would be able to continue Jasper's care. However this was not the case. The  new occupants were not familiar with donkey care and needs so they thoughtfully surrendered Jasper to DWWH. He was a reluctant rescue, being difficult to catch and load into a float. He had never left his birthplace in 29 years so his fear was understandable. DWWH volunteers' expertise in these areas were applied gently and calmly and successfully. Jasper was relocated to a nearby carer's home where through the fence he happily made the acquaintance of another rescued donkey, delightful in personality, named Arabella. The donkeys were a perfect match who now live and graze contentedly together with ongoing support from DWWH.


MalcolmMalcolm was surrendered to DWWH in January 2017 from a lifetime on a horse stud where he was 'nanny and companion' to weanling horse foals. Sadly, not every rescue has a happy ending and although DWWH provided every possible health care opportunity, Malcolm died peacefully from a pre-existing, incurable liver disease after 7 weeks of tender loving care and kindness. The brave gelding showed us by enthusiastic brays and eagerness to come for a hug that he appreciated everything we did for his comfort. His last weeks of life were filled with love and kindness. Rest in peace dear Malcolm.  



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